Barrington Tops

From Myall Lakes we headed to Gloucester because we needed to visit Drifta to get a few small fixes and modifications to Mali. The Drifta factory was very impressive and Lindy and the kids got a tour while I spoke to Matt about what needed to be done. We stayed overnight in the Gloucester caravan park which gave us a chance to do some washing and shopping and then back to Drifta in the morning to pick up Mali. This time we met Luke, the owner, and had a good chat to him. He showed us the latest version of the Drifta trailer which was very impressive. We also had a bit of a chat about where to head in Barrington Tops and headed off.

It was only about an hour and a half up to Barrington Tops and the campsite but, continuing our run of luck, it was raining on the way there. The last section of track into the campsite gave us a bit of 4WDing and we arrived at a lovely spot by the river. Someone had even been nice enough to leave the fire burning for us (I actually can’t believe how many people we’ve seen already on this trip leave quite substantial fires burning when they leave camp).

Again, it rained the whole time we were at camp (just one full day/two nights) so it was another quiet day of board games and even some school work. We did get a decent fire going though and Lindy and Matthew managed to bake a beautiful chocolate cake in the camp oven.

After two nights camping we headed off towards Uralla. We drove out of the Barrington Tops via a few muddy fire tracks which got both Liam and Mali dirty and gave us all a bit of excitement. Izzy even said one part of the track was better than a carnival ride!


  1. Gloucester – about 5 miles from where I grew up. Albeit several thousand miles away from Australia. Very surprising to hear that there was such poor fire safety!

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